Not ready for the rapidly approaching season? Don’t panic! Neither are we. Read below for our tips to help get you ready and on the water as soon as possible.
Make a List
If you have got to March and are thinking“OhGod, it didn’t look this bad in October” the best thing to start with is a list. Identify and isolate the big issues- the things that will stop you getting on the water, or will have the largest impact in the future. In this way, you can cut out the fun things that don’t make too much difference, and prioritise the important bits. Yeah, its fun to play around with new string and systems, but that water ingress could really destroy you mid-regatta.
Check it Twice
Never can be too careful.
Beg, Borrow and Steal
Chances are, if you have left your boat prep late, you probably don’t have a roll of sandpaper, tin of varnish or antifoul lying around. This is where all the port-tack ducks from last season come in handy. Time is crucial at this point, so the ability to go to your mates at the sailing club to borrow the epoxy and the paintbrush is invaluable. Remember though, that an elephant never forgets, and the year you are a bit better prepared you will have to repay the favour!
Less is More
This might sound really stupid, but the urgent stuff needs to be done, but a lot of the tinkering work can happen for the next 7 months. If you have a boat on a mooring, get the below-waterline work done, and anything you know you can’t do when the boat is launched. If you know that you want the boat weighed or surveyed, get it done before it is launched to save yourself the fees, which can quickly mount up, and could be the difference between going to that open meeting you really wanted to try this year and not. Likewise, if you have a dinghy, go for the bits that might be affected by the first few sails of the season. The rudder blades and centreboards that were taking on water last year, nip them in there bud while you aren’t sailing at all.
Bargain Hunt
At this time of year loads of people are clearing out their garages and throwing out their old gear. Keep your eyes peeled online and you may well find something that you are looking for for a fraction of the price from your local chandlery. Dinghy Shack has an eBay shop selling new and used gear too, where there is always a good deal to be found. If you are looking for something new and cheap you can also head over to dinghy where you can view our range of new Kingfisher Ropes and Viadana blocks. Can’t see what you’re looking for there? Don’t panic, we don’t stock everything online. Send us a message and we will be sure to help you find what you are looking for. Look out for discounts too as we get closer to the sailing season!